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Friday, February 1, 2013

Listeria control

Listeria.  It's in the drains, it's in the soil, it's on the shoes of the workers that walk into your building.  And if you are making a Ready To Eat (RTE) product, it can be a really big problem.  USDA guidelines  gave some great advice to processors on how to approach their listeria control program.  In short, if you are producing a product that is readily identifiable as RTE and they have risk for environmental exposure you must implement one of three regimens to control Listeria.

Alternative I- Post lethality treatment (PLT) and antimicrobial agents or processes (AMA and AMP respectively).  This option works for conventional products that can be preserved and cooked in their packaging

Alternative II- PLT or AMA/AMP

Alternative III- Implementation of a sanitation program to control Listeria

So, does your product require listeria control?  Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is it Ready to Eat?  Or, if it is on the fence (like frozen dinner) are you planning on labeling yourself out of a RTE category?
  2. Is it exposed to listeria after the final pathogen control step in your HACCP?
If the answer is yes to both of those questions, then you need to implement the Listeria Rule.

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