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Monday, February 11, 2013

Veterans in Agriculture

There is a movement growing here in America.

Call it Veterans to Farmers

Call it Farmer Veteran Coalition

Call it Combat Boots to Cowboy Boots

We are veterans using the skills we've learned in the Armed Services to make American agriculture stronger and more secure.

Think about it what farming entails-

  • getting up early (milking parlor is calling, it's 4AM)
  • fixing things (who has money for new?)
  • solving problems on your own (how are you going to get that steer out of that mudpit?)
  • thinking outside the box (hmm, what can I rig up to extend the growing season?)
  • following regulations (water, sewer, GAP, town, county, you name it)
Folks, this is what we train for in the military.  And when something goes wrong?  Adjust fire and keep moving.

So, if you know a veteran and that veteran is interested in any type of agriculture, send me an email (michele <at> dirigoqualitymeats <dot> com.  The US food supply is waiting.


  1. This is a great idea! The Medically Oriented Gym in South Portland serves many Veterans-I will definitely share this with them.

    1. Thanks! If anyone is interested in coming to an organizing meeting we are having one in Cooperative Extension in Lisbon Falls on March 11 at 10:00. They can contact me or Tori Jackson at (207) 353-5550 x11
