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Thursday, January 17, 2013

So Just What Do We DO Here?

As a public health veterinarian and former Army officer, I was responsible for the food safety program in my area for suppliers to the Department of Defense.  Working closely with the managers of the on base grocery stores (the PX system), food manufacturers that supply the DoD, and soldiers under my command, I ensured safe wholesome food was available to those who relied on the DoD system.

Ensuring a safe and wholesome food program requires excellent communication skills, a deep understanding of regulations, and training everyone to create a culture of food safety.  As an independent contractor in food safety, I work with my clients to design systems and processes that will result in safe food.  Understanding HACCP and the method to arrive at the process flow is only one part of that.  Prerequisite programs are needed to ensure that all workers know and understand the safety system that they are implementing.  As GFSI standards are becoming more important, I work with clients to select a 3rd party auditing system and work to implement it.  As the FSMA comes into fruition, I work with clients to understand the changes and work with them.  My work has brought me in direct contact with government agencies responsible for licensing and auditing.  I understand government regulations and how to work with the Health Department and the Agriculture Department. I immensely enjoy the opportunity to train.  I have worked with the Maine Beef Quality Assurance Program to train beef producers on food borne illness from beef as well as zoonotic diseases.  My training as a veterinarian has given me expertise and insight into all aspects of the food chain.

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